
03-November-2024 Consecration of the Church (qoodosh `idto) (Beginning of liturgical calendar year) St.Mark 8:27-33
10-November-2024 Hudoth `idto (Renewal of the Church ).First Sunday After the Consecration of the Church(Qoodosh) St.Luke 19:47-20:8
17-November-2024 Suboreb dazkbaryo,Annunciation to Zechariah (Parents' Day) St.Luke 11:45-51
24-November-2024 Suboreb dabthalto(Annunciation to Mary) St.Luke 1:26-38
01-December-2024 Mezalto,Virgin (Mary Visit to Elizabeth) St.Luke 1:39-56
08-December-2024 Mawlodeb-d-yubanon (Birth Of John the Baptist) St.Luke 1:57-80
15-December-2024 Gelyono-d-yauseph (Revelation to St.Joseph) St.Matthew 1:18-25
22-December-2024 Sunday before Christmas St.Matthew 1:1-17
25-December-2024 Christmas St.Matthew 2:1-12
29-December-2024 First Sunday after Christmas St.Luke 2:40-52
01-January-2025 Circumcision of Our Lord St.John 15:8-19
05-January-2025 Second Sunday after Christmas St.Luke 2:40-52
06-January-2025 Epiphany,Baptism of our Lord (denho) St.Luke 3:15-22
12-January-2025 First Sunday After Epiphany St.Matthew 4:12-22
19-January-2025 Second Sunday after Epiphany St.John 1:43-51
26-January-2025 Third Sunday After Epiphany St.John 3:1-12
02-February-2025 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany St.Mark 6:1-6
09-February-2025 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany St.Mark 1:12-20
16-February-2025 Kohne,Departed priests; St.Mathew 24:42-51
23-February-2025 Aneedé,All Departed; St.Luke 2:32-48
02-March-2025 Sunday of the Feast of Cana (qotné ), Great Lent begins St.John 2:1-11
09-March-2025 The Sunday of leper (garbo) St.Luke 5:12-16,4:40-41
16-March-2025 Sunday of The Paralytic(msharyo) St.Mark 2:1-12
23-March-2025 Sunday of the Canaanite woman (kna`nayto) St.Matthew 15:12-31
30-March-2025 Sunday of the hunchback woman (kfofto) St.Luke 13:10-17
06-April-2025 Sunday of the healing of the Blind man (Samyo) St.John 9:1-41
13-April-2025 Palm Sunday (oosha`né) St.John 12:12-19
20-April-2025 Easter(Sunday of resurrection) St.Mark 16:1-8
27-April-2025 New Sunday (hadto) St.John 20:19-31
04-May-2025 First Sunday After New sunday St.John 21:1-14
11-May-2025 Second Sunday After New sunday St.John 4:31-38
18-May-2025 Third Sunday After New sunday St.John 6:47-58
25-May-2025 Fourth Sunday After New sunday St.Luke 9:51-62
01-June-2025 Sunday before Pentecost St.John 6:35-46
08-June-2025 Pentecost(Fiftieth Day after Easter) St.John 15:1-14
15-June-2025 First Sunday after Pentecost St.John 6:26-35
22-June-2025 Second Sunday after Pentecost St.Matthew 10:34-11:1
29-June-2025 Third Sunday after Pentecost St.John 6:35-46
06-July-2025 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost St.Matthew 14:14-23
13-July-2025 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost St.Luke 9:10-17
20-July-2025 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost St.Matthew 15:32-39
27-July-2025 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost St.Mark 3:20-30
03-August-2025 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost St.Mark 8:1-10
06-August-2025 Transfiguration St.Luke 9:27-36
10-August-2025 First Sunday after the Transfiguration St.Matthew 21:28-32
15-August-2025 Assumption of St.Mary St.John 19:25-27
17-August-2025 First Sunday after the assumption of St.Mary St.Mark 10:35-45
24-August-2025 Second Sunday after the assumption of St.Mary St.Luke 11:9-20
31-August-2025 Third Sunday after the assumption of St.Mary St.Matthew 17:22-27
07-September-2025 Fourth Sunday after the assumption of St.Mary St.Mark 6:1-6
14-September-2025 Sleebo, festival of the Holy Cross St.Luke 21:5-28
21-September-2025 First Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Mark 13:30-37
28-September-2025 Second Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Matthew 16:5-12
05-October-2025 Third Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Mark 2:23-28
12-October-2025 Fourth Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Luke 16:13-18
19-October-2025 Fifth Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Matthew 23:1-12
26-October-2025 Sixth Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Luke 18:18-27
02-November-2025 Seventh Sunday After the Festival of Holy Cross St.Matthew 5:21-26